![]() NAMASTE! YogaLife is delighted to co-host together with the Consulate General of India, Perth, a FREE YOGA CLASS to celebrate International Yoga Day 2023 to spread awareness of the many benefits yoga has brought to the world. Since 2014 the United Nations has established the 21st of June as International Yoga Day, and each year has a theme for the special day. The theme for this year is ‘Humanity’ which is a GREAT celebration in itself, and integrates beautifully with the teachings of Yoga. Come celebrate with us this special day and stretch your body and relax your mind like never before on International Yoga Day on June 21. When: Wednesday 21st June Time: 7:15pm (1hour yoga Class) What to bring: just yourself! (mats and props provided at studio) What to wear: Comfy, lose clothes Experience level: ALL LEVELS welcomed! From absolute beginners to advanced! BOOKING REQUIRED: If you would like to attend make sure to reserve your spot as places are limited! Booking here: https://internationalyogaday2023.eventbrite.com.au We look forward to welcome you and celebrate together! ![]() It was such a pleasure to visit the Naala Djookan Healing Centre today, where I volunteered offering Yoga to the wonderful women of the centre. . The Naala Djookan Healing Centre seeks to simplify access for women affected by family and domestic violence by providing trauma informed therapeutic services, offering a range of integrated and evidence-based services in one safe, inclusive, culturally responsive and welcoming location. . I am deeply inspired by organisations like this one who strive to contribute value to our society by enriching women and childrens lives for a better future. I am forever grateful to all those involved in this fairly new project founded in early 2021 and thank you for the opportunity to be a part of it today. . . . #naaladjookanhealingcentre #yogalife #cityofstirling #yoga ![]() So Yoga is so much more than ‘stretching’ but many of us are first drawn to this amazing practice because of the physical benefits such as ‘stretching’, and the way it makes us ‘feel’ by the end of the session. . Harvard Medical School has recently released the following article sharing Why Stretching is Important (see link below) and why its 'proper execution is important'. . https://www.health.harvard.edu/.../the-importance-of... . If you are considering to practice more stretching in your life consider attending classes by a Certified Iyengar Yoga teacher. . I run Foundation Yoga courses in Karrinyup, WA and also offer online recorded series so you can learn yoga from the comfort of your home. Visit www.YogaLifeaustralia.com or contact me for more information. . Contact me if you would like more information to begin stretching more and be prepared to not only stretch your body but also your mind! . I would love to hear your thoughts on stretching please comment below. . . . #yoga #stretching #harvardmedicalschool #yogascience ![]() YogaLife is delighted to announce its new sponsorship with Rebel Sports Karrinyup RCX To celebrate our partnership we will offer a FREE WEEK of Yoga Classes in-store at Karrinyup SC. Starting Monday 28th February 2022 Monday - Friday 9:30am BYO mat Register attendance to these FREE CLASSES HERE We are excited about this new partnership as an opportunity to further promote Yoga and wellness to improve peoples health both physically and mentally. [I don’t always wear leggings] Today, I couldn’t be prouder to be Australian, to be recognised as a leader in our community on this special day that marks Australia Day, has been a day I will treasure forever. The recognition I received amongst others, was in honour of my work offering Yoga to our community members. To be able to share the teachings of Iyengar Yoga so the community can experience greater health both physically and mentally, and together build peaceful networks to live a harmonious life has been my life’s mission. My humble appreciation to my wonderful community Council of Stirling and Mayor Mark Irwin for your nomination to ‘Citizen of the Year for 2022’, I am deeply encouraged by your recognition and determined to continue to build new ways to offer and integrate yoga and meditation and together build a community based on peace. My heartfelt gratitude to the yoga master BKS Iyengar, my teachers and my students as I would have never thought my yoga path would bring me here today. And last but not least to my family for being my number one supporters and allowing me to be of service to humanity. I never needed this recognition to continue to do what I do, but I do appreciate it. Let’s all continue to build bridges of hope and peace in our respective communities and work towards a brilliant future together.
. On this day I humbly acknowledge the Wadjak People of the Nyoongar Nation as the traditional custodians of this land, and pay respect to past and present Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Elders for the future of this land. . . . #cityofstirling #australiaday2022 #citizenoftheyear2022 #yogalife #reflectrespectcelebrate #wereallpartofthestory #australiaday #iyengaryoga #yogaaustralia #iyengaryogaaustralia #iya #yogaforlife #yogakarrinyup #yogaperth #yogawa IMPORTANT COVID-19 Update February 2022
YogaLife is dedicated in ensuring our governments mandated regulation for safety compliance and adopts the following WA Department of Health guidance: Mask Wearing: Masks must be worn by all students to enter and leave the centre. Once at the mat students may remove their masks to begin their Yoga class. Check-in: Use the SafeWA or Service WA apps to check into the centres QR codes located at the entrance. COVID Safe procedures: Do not attend classes if you are feeling unwell. Follow social distancing guidelines, maintain good hygiene, and wear a mask. Proof of vaccination requirements: Since Monday 31 January, members aged 16 years and over wishing to attend classes must provide proof of vaccination. This can be shown when attending the centre directly to the teacher. In this video I dress some common questions I get, and also talk about establishing a home practice offering a short 30minute demonstration on what my daily practice looks like together with the asana names.
🕉=☕️+🍫 Sirsasana✨
Earlier this month at RIMYI Geetaji taught an entire class on the foundations of Sirsasana - mainly the setup - emphasising on the foundations. She spoke about how the grip of the hands must be firm, and how the palms must be rounded, as to fully support the back of the head. She made a point in explaining how “the hands should be rounded like holding a nice, BIG CUP OF COFFEE - not a small cup! Because no one likes just a little bit of coffee!” She then went on to explain “the affects of Sirsasana should then feel sweet, like CHOCOLATE. So now each time you do Sirsasana you should think about coffee and chocolate!” Awsome! No problem Geetaji! 😂👌yoga+chocolate+coffee=all of my favourite things!!! ❤️🍫☕️ It’s funny now when I look at the photo above... or when I practice virabadrasana II I hear Geetaji’s voice in my head as she shouted at me across the room ‘ey why you look there? There’s no one behind you!’ That was an important lesson for me.
I find drishti an integrative part when practicing yoga, but its definitely not the final destination of any asana. Through my practice (and Geetaji’s razor cutinstruction!) I’ve learnt not ‘fix the gaze’ so much and learn to ’look with the body’ ie. feel the asana. The moment I switch to a more humble, soft, dispassionate look with the eyes I feel the pose from a different place. Guruji writes in Light on Life ‘Tenses of the eyes also affect the brain. If the eyes are still and silent, the brain is still and passive. The brain can only learn when it begins to relax’. Thank you Guruji, and thank you Geetaji for teaching me this very important lesson 🙏 • #appreciation #gratitude #yoga #iyengaryoga#iyengaryogaaustralia #india #pune — with Lizette Gatehouse. After intense backbends some ardha halasana bliss 🌈🙏😊
The asana releases the legs, softens the buttocks; and widens the back, shoulders and neck. Eyes, throat, jaw and temples should be soft. 👌@iyengaryogamarbella • #iyengaryoga #marbella #yogamarbella #ardhahalasana #superchill#superhappy 🧡Pune reflections:
Talking with a friend yesterday I shared how although I had never been to the institute before there was a familiarity about the place. Also about the people I met. It felt like I was home. Geetaji scold like a mother. The sharpness and intensity of her scolding was like one of a mother minding her children! At one stage she even said ‘you think I shout a lot? If you see your child drowning you don’t whisper to them!’ It’s clear her strictness comes from a place of care. Her deep compassion for us as her students - as her children. I also shared with my friend how it was thanks to the new friends I made at the institute that I got a wonderful welcome and felt right at home. These new friends represented siblings. As an only child I’ve never had siblings, but I imagined them to be just like these new friends I made who admittedly told me on the first day they saw me as the new, lost girl whom reminded them of their first trip to Pune...😂👌 The community Guruji has created is no doubt an extension of his deep desire for each of us to fully blossom and develop into compassionate, intelligent and caring human beings. I know I will return ‘home’ again some day to the welcome and guidance of my dear teachers, and repay my debt of gratitude to Guruji, and my fellow siblings by welcoming the newbies like me. 💕 • #family #appreciation #home #bksiyengar #guruji#RIMYI #yoga #iyengaryoga #iyengaryogaaustralia#pune #india — at Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute. Today’s notes 📝 (pm me if you would like further details or have any queries on this). I’ve taken so many notes each day since I’m here. I look forward to studying and debriefing in detail when I return. Contact me if you would like to join 😘 ![]() I feel so much gratitude to have been taught by this amazing yoga teacher Dr Rajlaxmi 🙏 Dr Nidmarti Rajlaxmi learnt directly from BKS Iyengar and continues to learn from his daughter Geetaji and son Prashantji. She has been teaching regular classes at the Pune Institute for 20 years, sometimes taking the Women's class when Geetaji is not available. As well as being a medical doctor - she has a doctorate in Ayurvedic medicine, with a practice in gynaecology - she assists in the medical classes in Pune, often with very complex cases. India moves the depth of my being.
The intensity of each moment demands you to be present. To witness the reality of the present moment in its total beauty and unpleasantness. Each moment is a training to be mindful - look at each step but look out for traffic, listen for traffic/sounds of the animals and rain, smell the divine/not so divine, savour the rich food, feel the rain/oils/beautiful textiles... you would think this would be overwhelming but really it’s very relaxing. It all brings me to this beautiful and unique moment of NOW, with a sense of appreciation for everything in life - the good and the bad. For we need both to be alive. Being in India is a GREAT MINDFULNESS EXERCISE. I have so much respect for the Indian culture and gratitude for this amazing lesson. It’s something I will take home with me... You can try it too. Take a moment and make a mental note of all of your 5 sense. How do you feel? Share with me in comments! 📷: @neepa_parikh #ekapadarajakapotasana #mindfulness #gratitude #appreciation #india#yoga #iyengaryoga #iyengaryogaaustralia Supta Virasana✨ Reclined Hero
This pose is meant to emulate courageousness and valor. It creates space in the torso whilst elongates and aligns the spine, fully exposing and expanding the front body. In today's busy world there is more tendacy towards a forward rounding of the shoulders and back... all whilst sitting down, typing into computer screens, or fixated on a little screen. This involuntary (often protective) motion physically closes off the chest area, the area where our heart resides. ❤️ So when practicing supta virasana, we “reset” our habitual forward rounding, allowing our courage to lead us into the very exposed space of full openness. Apart from being physically challenging, the emotions that surface as a result of opening our front body in this way can be intense, hence requiring courage. At a personal level, rather than approaching with fear this asana evokes my conviction to mantain the ever-curious, ever-seeking wisdom that arises from yoga. ![]() On a daily basis I find myself talking about the many benefits of yoga. The moment I discovered yoga and began to experience the transformation that comes with it, I had a deep desire to share it with the world. It was this desire that led me to become a yoga teacher. A role I uphold as a privilege. In this post I address some of the many benefits that come from practicing yoga regularly. However, I fundamentally believe that yoga is not necessarily something that can be understood through the mind, but through the action of practice - thus yoga is something that must be experienced. Yoga is a direct way to tune in to how you have been treating yourself and reflex on your diet, emotions, conflicts, stress and relationships that affect you and your yoga. Yoga can be described as a psychophysical approach to life and self- understanding. Yoga transforms you by opening up the physical and mental binds that block your potential, limiting your life and brings you many concrete benefits. For example it is a powerful therapeutic tool for correcting physical and psychological problems; it retards gaining weight and keeps you opened sexually; it gives strength and flexibility for other physical activities; it can enhance our looks, posture, skin and muscle tone, and vitality; and it can give you a life sense of grace and overall wellbeing. At a more profound level yoga involves generating energy (known as Prana). The art of yoga lies in learning how to focus and generate energy into different parts of the body, by listening to the body’s messages (feedback) and in surrendering to where the energy leads you. Yoga involves a balance between “control” and “surrender” channeling energy and letting go, so the energy can move you. The concept of ‘control’ and ‘surrender’ can also be understood as ‘transformation’ or ‘resistance to change’ There is no way to remain the same as you are now. Understanding that as we age, the habit taking-on process makes us more rigid both physically and mentally as our body movements become more limited. We can transform this process by incorporating movements in the way we think and by the way we move our body. Memory lives in the cells, in the systems of the body, in the brain and in thought itself. Doing yoga in the morning puts you in direct touch with how you have been treating your self on the previous day. You learn to read subtle differences in flexibility, endurance, and energy. The body has its own intelligence, and being able to listen to and learn from that intelligence is an essential part of yoga. If you are interested in learning more about yoga there are many resources readily available online and in libraries and bookshops. Ultimately I recommended: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Bhagavad Gita We had so much fun filming this video on our beautiful beaches of Western Australia. The video was shot and produced by Pat Horn who makes spectacular films and photos with his drone all over the world. Check out his full gallery on Instagram on @p_horn85 !! We hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it !!
Music credit: Stairwell (Golden Vessel) [cln remix] Drone: Phantom 4 Pro ![]() Many people I meet are often perplexed when learning I wake up early to attend my yoga practice, especially those who are new to yoga, they look at me rather strangely. I recognize this look of ‘disbelief' from when I started my yoga practice nearly a decade ago and wondered why people would ‘do that to themselves’. Little did I know that waking up early was just one of the walls I was about to break down in my life, along with many others... but that’s a story for another day. Waking up at 4:45am to practice yoga is hard; it requires dedication, devotion and perseverance. All of these traits don't come naturally to me and I am determined to practice these regularly. Committing to a regular practice can be the hardest thing, believe me, it’s my on-going battle despite nearly a decade of practice! But it is an extraordinary training ground to observe your life and actions ‘off the mat’ and then measure whether or not these actions are having a positive or negative impact on your physical, mental and emotional health. For instance, feeling ‘heavy’ during practice can be due to an undigested dinner the previous night, perhaps having an earlier dinner may be better for your body; or being distracted by an overpowering thought or worry during meditation can be a sign to take action and listen to that voice within; or if the body is sore it may be time to rest and restore. By practicing yoga postures daily, you’ll notice your changes in yourself as the strength and flexibility of both body and mind begins to improve. But many students ask me why do I practice so early? Why not practice later at night? There are many reasons for this. Many traditional yogic texts state that the hours between 4am and 6am are the most conductive for meditation and yoga practice because the mind is at its stillest and the rest of the world hasn’t yet sprung into action, so there’s a sense of calmness in the air. If these hours are a little too early for you, then one of my teachers Guruji Iyengar states ‘practicing a bit later is also OK’. Practicing first thing in the morning, before outside messages broadcast into our minds invites a level of focus and concentration that is hard to achieve later in the day creating a perfect training ground to harvest that state of awareness for the rest of the day. As a woman in society I have many roles. A wife, mother, business owner, teacher, daughter…. but at that time no one requires any thing from me, all that is required is for me to be present on my mat. Some days just being ‘on’ my mat can be the biggest sense of achievement. There is a beautiful stillness about early morning practice. The quietness at that time, especially in the winter months when the moon is still out invites calmness into the mind. Practicing ‘Sun Salutes’ can create a connection with the environment and the natural rhythms of the universe. It reminds me of the greatness and wonders of life as I welcome the sun each morning. The ‘awakening’ from a morning savasana practice, is a metaphor for welcoming a new day - a new life. Over the years I have developed some tricks that help to get to practice yoga in the morning:
If you would like to try a morning practice, at YogaLife Wellness we offer yoga classes 7 days per week. On Monday and Wednesday mornings we offer a 6am class (doors open at 5:45am), and also have yoga classes every day of the week at 9:30am. See you on the mat. Namaste. Lizette x This is one of the standing poses in which the pelvis faces forward, parallel to the front plane of the body. It is the natural progression from warrior II, with one hand placed on the floor and the other stretching over the head.
Pelvis and legs The back leg buttock muscle extends the hip and turns it outward. The group of muscles on the inside of the thigh extend and draw the leg towards the midline stabilizing the back foot on the floor. The tensor fascia lata and gluteus medius turn the hip inward. This balances the strong outward pull by the large buttock muscle. The quadriceps, straighten the back knee. The muscle along the front of the shin draws the ankle towards the shin, which stretches the calve muscles and the muscles along the outside of the calf. The psoas and pectinius muscles bend the hip of the front leg. The muscle crossing diagonally over the midline of the thigh refines this action. The quadriceps of the front legs activates to support the body weight. The muscles along the outside of the front leg calve turn the ankle slightly outwards. The foot is pressed firmly against the floor by flexing the ankle. Trunk The lower side abdominal oblique and transverse muscle draws the trunk towards the bent leg, stretching the same muscles on the upper side of the trunk. On the lower side the muscles along the spine and those in the lower back bend the trunk to the side stretching the corresponding muscles on the upper side. Shoulders and arms The muscles attached to the side of the ribs and the shoulder blade straightens the lower side arm drawing the same side shoulder blade away from the midline and pressing the hand to the floor. The triceps straighten the elbows the back portion of the deltoid on the lower arm draws the arm away from the midline. Since the hand in fixed on the floor this action turns the chest upwards and opens it. On the lower side the muscles that wrap the kidneys and lower arms ribs opens the chest through the closed chain contraction. This occurs because the muscles of the upper arm remains fixed with the origins on the lower back moving, lifting the chest. Muscles over the shoulder blade turn the arm outward. The lower section of the trapezius draws the shoulders away from the ear freeing the neck. Mothers Day (Sunday 14th May) is just around the corner, and if you haven’t bought her a pressie yet we have some great gift ideas... Why not get your mother an extra special Yoga Mats by YogaLab? We have heaps of fabulous designs at $108 that comes with a free mat-carrier! And if you’re still not sure what to get, a Gift Card is always a great option! You can gift her a 6 week Beginners course !! Otherwise check out our new [Sexy] Satin eye pillows at $15. We have gorgeous Himalayan Rock Salt Lamps at $34. Special and unique gifts for your unique momma! And if you haven't tried Yogi tea check out our huge selection at the centre, and gift yourself and your mum a nice cuppa tea! On Sunday 14th May we have a special Kundalini Yoga Class at 5pm - 6pm. Come along with your mother and enjoy a fun and different afternoon. Kundalini yoga is mostly a gentle, seated posture but not the less a powerful experience! Contact us ASAP if you would like to book, as places are filling up fast.
Give the gift of yoga and treat your mother for a very special gift xx
![]() Are you interested in learning more about Kundalini Yoga? We are excited to announce that International Yoga Teacher Param Dev Kaur will be visiting Perth in May and will be teaching three classes at YogaLife Wellness Centre introducing Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. Save the dates: Sundays 14th, 21st and 28th of May Places are limited so contact us to register your participation. Each class costs $16 (class card not applicable). ![]() To all the participants from this weekend's Intuition Workshop, a BIG THANK YOU for attending and making it a Magical Event!! Special thanks to Tracy from Crystal Clear Skies - Synergetic Healing with Tracy Cleary for providing an informational and wonderful afternoon. With much appreciation, Sue & Liz xx ![]() A beautiful addition to your morning coffee or alone as a refreshing drink is Almond milk sweetened with dates and a touch of vanilla. This is a very simple recipe to make. Ingredients 1 cup Almonds 2 cup Water 4-6 Dates 1 Vanilla bean Directions 1. Soak almonds in water overnight (the longer they stay in the water the creamier the milk will be). 2. Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend on full speed for 4 minutes occasionally using turbo. 3. Using a muslin cloth or anut bag, strain the blend into a bowl or large measuring cup, and pour into a serving jug. 4. Cool in the fridge and serve! * You can use the leftover nuts by spreading on a baking tray and roast in the oven, and sprinkle over your musli or porridge. *Or instead of roasting you can place in a little bag in the freezer for the next time you make muffins or banana bread. Let me know how you go! ENJOY!! Love, Lizette x |
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