It’s funny now when I look at the photo above... or when I practice virabadrasana II I hear Geetaji’s voice in my head as she shouted at me across the room ‘ey why you look there? There’s no one behind you!’ That was an important lesson for me.
I find drishti an integrative part when practicing yoga, but its definitely not the final destination of any asana. Through my practice (and Geetaji’s razor cutinstruction!) I’ve learnt not ‘fix the gaze’ so much and learn to ’look with the body’ ie. feel the asana. The moment I switch to a more humble, soft, dispassionate look with the eyes I feel the pose from a different place. Guruji writes in Light on Life ‘Tenses of the eyes also affect the brain. If the eyes are still and silent, the brain is still and passive. The brain can only learn when it begins to relax’. Thank you Guruji, and thank you Geetaji for teaching me this very important lesson 🙏 • #appreciation #gratitude #yoga #iyengaryoga#iyengaryogaaustralia #india #pune — with Lizette Gatehouse.
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